Monday, January 5, 2009

In Search of Belief

So, during last semester I bought a really great book at a random Goodwill in Ohio. It's called In Search of Belief, and it's by Joan Chittister. Since I finished reading it during Thanksgiving break, I figured it was about time to write about it...hehe.

In this book, she takes the Apostles' Creed and discusses it line-by-line, explaining how she makes sense of what the creed says. She talks about what she believes about each part and thus how she is able to pray it even when it might sound contrary on the surface. One of the themes that runs throughout is equality between men and women and the way that informs her beliefs in so many ways. There are lots of other really good aspects of spirituality and a life of faith that she discusses as well. Basically, its a wonderful book.